Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pod People

I recently dropped my cell in the bathtub... yes folks, I text while I soak. Chances are that one of those whitty life observations that you got from me came while I was naked and wet.
Needless to say my trusty LG Shine was no match for Mr. Bubble and I found myself purchasing a new phone this week.
The salesboy was really cute in that just out of college, geeky cute way and he talked me into an IPhone.
The first night I brought it home, I was in way over my head. The phone is way smarter than I am but I persevered.
Now only four days later and I am in love.... I do not know how I survived without this before. Did you know it is also an IPod (of course you probably did - but I didn't)
As we speak I am loading her up with random selections from Wicked, Dreamgirls and Rent... not to mention my old standbys (think gay influenced 80s and 90s pop)

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