Thursday, March 11, 2010

Martins Ferry Mayor Apologizes For Racially Insensitive Comment - News Story - WTOV Steubenville

Okay, so Martins Ferry is about as small and white trash as you can get and yet in the last year Sarah Jessica Parker picked a women there to have her babies, the Cheif of Police tried to steal things from said woman and sell them to a tabloid, the replacement officer just got suspended for having porn on his work computer (all adult and blown way out of proportion btw) and now the mayor is a biggot.
Not just any type biggot, but one stuck in 1940.... He called someone a Spook and then justified it because a "black" person hurt a family member!!!!
I would laugh it wasn't so sad.

Martins Ferry Mayor Apologizes For Racially Insensitive Comment - News Story - WTOV Steubenville


  1. Sad indeed. Never knew that about SJP. Interesting. Great blog!


  2. thanks for the kudos. I am checking out your blog as we speak.

  3. I was thinking the same thing as Copyboy about SJP. You are the queen of pop trivia.

  4. Martins Ferry is about 20 minutes from my house. Before now, it was most notable as the place I stopped to get coffee when I had to go to Columbus Ohio for trainings.

  5. Wow! To steal a line from some trashy 1980's comedy movie I once saw, "you're not even smart enough to be a decent racist!"
